This week we present a selection of sustainability
initiatives by countries, individuals and corporates that impressed the
Sustainability Experts enough that they tweeted about it. We hope that
these stories inspire many others to do the same as only collective actions can
save the world from the effects of Climate Change and Global Warming.
Bill McKibben : Germany stands
number 1 in solar power generation. It expects to receive 80% of its energy
from renewable resources by 2050. here
Simon Mainwaring : Employees at the semiconductor chip maker Intel recently
devised a new process that reduced the company’s chemical waste by 900,000
gallons each year, saving $45 million annually. Another team developed a plan
to reuse and optimize networking systems in offices, which cut energy costs by
Simon Mainwaring : Solar Panels being installed in White
Adam Werbach : 15 companies,
representing 70% of global farmed production, are committing that 100% of their
production will be certified by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council by
2020 .here
Adam Werbach : Sustainability and communications, now and soon. here
John Friedman : Sustainability and communications, now and soon. here
Alice Korngold : Sierra Energy, has spent the last several years testing a waste-to-energy
system called the FastOx Pathfinder. The FastOx is now
being prepared for delivery to Sierra Energy’s first customer: the United
States Army. here
Neil Hawkins : China to spend huge amounts to fight air pollution. It is
twice the size of the annual defence budget. here
Julie Urlaub : People jumping to light up the christmas tree. here
Julie Urlaub : Arizona State University (ASU) not only
teaches sustainable business but practices it also. here
Julie Urlaub : Recycle Force, a company that recycles
electronic waste and also help people coming out o prison to transition back to
the society. here
Julie Urlaub : Useful tips to reduce garbage at
home. here
Sunita Narain : Kerala High Court, July 25, ordered the
demolition of all 59 villas in well-known chain of luxury resorts on an island
in the backwater of Kerala within three months due to violation of various
norms and laws. here
Reach Scale : More and more offices are converting their terrace to a roof garden
and a bee sanctuary. This not only has huge environmental benefits but also
provide a good place for a quick break for the employees, and to entertainment
Neil Hawkins : DOW gives electric car to its employees to commute
within the work site. here