I started out writing
this blog to share my excitement of the Sustainability microsite of one of the
most popular brands of our times. At
last, Sustainability Reports dont have to be intimidating pdf's with a
data-overload! However, midway through that
piece, it seemed important to present the context and the bigger picture first. This is the first of a two-part blog on
Sustainability Reporting - trends that are hot and trends that we love. Meanwhile, also look the Whitepaper on the
subject of Sustainability Reporting on our website.
First, there were Financial Reports. They greatly changed
the way businesses dealt with each other, with investors and with their
The earliest Environmental and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports were used by companies primarily to counter negative images issues, or by small and mid-sized outliers with high
environmental concerns - the tree-huggers among enterprises.
Over the last decade or
so, as Sustainability is integrated into enterprise strategy to drive business
growth, Sustainability Reports have emerged as important tools. More recently, such Reports have been
morphing from being standalone, weighty documents or THINGS, to the integrated,
interesting PROCESS of Sustainability Reporting. But more of the emerging trends in the next
blog. Let us first look at the most
popular Sustainability Reporting standards.
The Global Reporting
Initiative (GRI); .
The GRI guidelines for
voluntary disclosure of sustainability parameters were introduced in 2000. The GRI website currently lists over 5,000
organizations and over 12,000 GRI Reports.
The current generation of GRI guidelines – G3 and G3.1 – asks for
disclosures under three sections with a fixed number of questions under each
section – Strategy and Profile (42 questions), Management Approach (37
questions), and Performance Indicators (84 questions). There is an additional section on
sector-specific disclosures for a limited number of sectors. Based on the number of questions responded
to, the Levels A, B and C are accorded to the applications. A ‘+’ is accorded to applications at any
level if it has gone through an external audit process.
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP);
235 enterprises to the first CDP questionnaire sent to the
biggest corporations asking them to report their greenhouse gas emissions in 2003. The number of respondents has now grown to
over 2,500 and CDP is credited with having the largest database of
enterprise-level climate change information. Meanwhile CDP is now more
than eponymous, having introduced CDP Water Disclosure, CDP Supply Chain, CDP
Cities, and most recently, forest footprints.
While the GRI and CDP are multi-stakeholder, not-for profit/
private frameworks, the UNGC, ISO and the OECD MNE Guidelines are initiated by
the international organizations - the United Nations and the OECD respectively.
The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). The
UNGC's ten principles for businesses - covering environmental responsibility,
human rights and workers rights - were officially launched in 2000. Interestingly, the principles are a central
reference point for the GRI Guidelines. With over 7,000 participating businesses,
the largest database of corporate sustainability reports can be found on the
UNGC website.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises (MNE's). These are recommendations addressed by OECD
governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from adhering
countries. The "Disclosure"
section encourages timely and regular disclosure on social and environmental
issues, in addition to financial ones.
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO);
ISO is a non-governmental network of national-level
standards institutes and technical bodies that co-ordinates international
standards for business and products.
While most of ISO's standards deal with technical subjects, The 1SO
14000 Series of standards focus on corporate environmental management systems
and ISO 26000 covers social responsibility.
India-SpecificStandards and Guidelines
Sustainability Reporting is still at a nascent stage in
India. Around 80 companies are now
reporting under the GRI framework. Last year, 53
companies out of the top 200 by market cap to whom the CDP questionnaire was
sent, responded to the questionnaire.
As elsewhere in the world, Sustainability Reporting
is mandated in India only to the extent of the 'Disclosures' required by
legislations such as the Companies Act, Environment Protection Act etc. However, in addition to some directives that
are at the pilot stage, the following measures introduced by the Government in
the past few years specifically targeting Sustainability issues in enterprises
is expected to have a marked impact on Sustainability Reporting as well:
The Companies Bill 2011 was passed by
the Lok Sabha in december 2012. said
India would become the first country to mandate corporate social responsibility
(CSR) through a statutory provision. that mandates companies in India to spend
2% of their profit in the preceding 3 years on CSR activities and report a CSR
Guidelines on Sustainable
Development for Public SectorEnterprises (PSUs) issued by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Ministry of Heavy Industries.
Effective 2012-2013, these
guidelines mandate that CPSE’s spend at least 0.5% of their PAT (if
PAT is less than Rs. 100 crores) and Rs. 50 crores + 0.1% of their PAT (if PAT
is more than Rs.100 crores) on various Sustainable Development activities such
as Carbon Management, Renewable Energy and Sustainability Reporting.
National Voluntary Guidelines on Social, Environmental &
Economic Responsibilities of Businesses
launched on 8 July 2011 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of
India, the Guidelines recommend 8 principles for voluntary adoption by companies.
These principles are intended to address the interests of various stakeholders
of the companies, including employees, customers, NGOs and investors.
Next week
we will look at the most recent trends in Sustainability Reporting.
Joya! follow this link, there have been changes on the document with focus on IMPACT assessment now.